Last month, a team of 6 families from Bridge Church traveled to the Texas Hill Country to reach out to the homeless population in San Antonio. Here’s one team member’s story of her experience on the trip:
I had the great privilege of being a servant to a large group of homeless people in down town San Antonio! For me, it’s always a little nerve racking when going into these type situations; what will they say to me? Will they be receptive, since I’m not in their situation? Those thoughts quickly went away as I joined everyone in helping prepare plates of food. One of the many ways I was humbled was by the heat, I’m pouring sweat and was extremely thirsty and I just couldn’t help but think, they feel like this probably all the time but I get to leave here and return to an air conditioned, well covered roof over my head, and an ice chest full of cold water. I decided right then that I will not complain about being hot or thirsty! My daughter and I met a precious lady named Vanessa also known as “Victory”. She changed her name because Vanessa was just too plain! While talking with her and watching my daughter help her pick out clothes, she was so excited to show me everything that was in this huge, black garbage bag! I was so thankful I got to be her friend in sharing with her her new wardrobe! Towards the end when we were saying our good byes to Victory she made the comment, “I’ll see y’all next year right”? My prayer that I’ve been praying for her is that God would open doors for this precious woman so she can get in a better situation and maybe instead of me helping her pick out clothes, maybe serving beside her next year! Another person I met was a man named John. I was bagging his food and water up and asked him if I could get him anything else? His response was thank you for talking to me and for us being here! He said since he’s been on the streets, he doesn’t have anyone to talk to! It just broke my heart into pieces! I was so amazed with all of our kids how they just served these people! I’m so thankful I was able to be apart of what some may count as something so small, but was so big to me!!